‘Talks with…’ guest lecture at the Amsterdam Business School

On Monday 29 May, Mr Alphons Geerlings and Sam van den Berg visited the Amsterdam Business School at the University of Amsterdam to give a ‘Talks with…’ guest lecture.

Every semester, new students come together to create start-ups in the Entrepreneurship minor offered by the University of Amsterdam. Because intellectual property rights are vital to entrepreneurship, giving a “Talks with…” lecture to these students seems a perfect match. This semester, as in the past, the students are enthusiastic and the ideas are good.

The start-ups will make their final pitch at the Impact Hub Amsterdam on 29 June, when the winner will receive prizes including €1,000 worth of IP advice from de Merkplaats and the top 8 finalists will receive a one-year subscription to CC Proof. We’re eagerly looking forward to this event.

Curious about the startups? View them here on ‘Startup and Running’

Sam talks with UvA